

The english language needs a word for “Shit we love even though it’s shit”. In fact, I’m going to make a word for it right now: Unikeft. I can say, unequivocally, that Zack Snyder’s work is normally unikeft. 300? I loved that movie. I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy on their best day, […]

PA, what happened to you man? You used to be cool.

Okay okay. Given the more balanced news post, I’m somewhat inclined to give this one a free ride. As is often the case with PA, their position gains nuance once Tycho starts talking. They’re not condoning the new Duke Nukem, and they’re unquestionably correct about Duke Nukem 3D’s indelible impact on the industry. Still, as […]


I’m shutting off twitter tools, because I can’t make it do what I want it to do. I’m tired of it clogging up Sunkenlibrary, and I’m clearly having trouble keeping up with the tweets and turning them into rational posts. If you’re keen on keeping up with me on Twitter, you can follow me over […]

The dreaded H word

Okay, now for the real explanation. Obviously, there’s no bugs in the Smithsonian basement, and they’re not fumigating. I, on the other hand, am moving. You’ve probably noticed that the past month of updates has gotten a bit unreliable? I’ve missed days, or forgotten to add in the text. A bunch of them are still […]

December photoblogging, week 1

I’ve previously mentioned that my computer is oil cooled. Most of the time, running a submersion based computer is an act consisting of equal parts high-end gaming, and giggling madly at eddying heat currents. Sometimes though, just sometimes, it consists of cussing and swearing. I’d been getting a LOT of bluescreens. After some testing, I […]


On one world, I found a cave complex I named Many Rivers. The cave entrance exists near the seaside, and I know that those near-endless caverns extend well beyond the coast and into the oceans themselves. I often wonder if they connect to other islands, other continents… At the center of the cavern, three subterranean […]